Pay Israel First
Summer Campaign
The Pay Israel First Summer Campaign is a unique partnership between Israel Bonds Canada and Jewish summer camps across the country.
Through this initiative, when a child registers for camp, they can pay the first $100 of the camp registration fee with an Israel Bond..
Build a stronger connection to Israel for the next generation—one bond at a time.
Participating in this unique program helps strengthen Israel’s economy while providing children with an unforgettable camp experience!
By paying the first $100 of camp fees with an Israel bond:
Israel's economy is directly strengthened during this critical time.
Camps benefit by owning an Israel bond, which increases in value over the course of its term.
Ready to Participate?
If you are interested in participating, please click or tap one of the options below for step-by-step instructions.
Thank you for participating in this very meaningful program!
Donating to Charities and Non Profits
Savings Bond
- Available in CDN or US currency.
- Starting at $36.
- Multiples of $1 can be added at the time of purchase.
Savings Bond
- Available in CDN or US currency.
- Starting at $100.
- Multiples of $1 can be added at the time of purchase.