Three years after Israel’s founding, Prime Minister David Ben Gurion helped create the Israel Bonds program as a means of financing the urgently-needed economic infrastructure of a fledgling nation.
One of Israel’s first economic innovations was creating the concept of an Israel Bond. Launched in 1951, Israel pioneered the issuance of a savings bond to its diaspora as a form of economic partnership. Though both the Israel Bonds program and the democracy founded in 1948 share a relatively short history, they can boast an impressive economic legacy. Sales of Israel Bonds in the first year were $52 million. Currently, sales now routinely surpass $1 billion per year. Today, total sales are approaching $40 billion. Israel has made interest and principal payments in full and on time.
Investors in Israel Bonds continue to help strengthen a nation whose collective ingenuity knows no bounds, and whose resourcefulness in combatting serious global issues improves and helps to repair our planet.
Indeed, over the decades, creativity and out-of-the-box inventiveness in every field of endeavor - from cultivating the desert to building transportation networks, resettling immigrants and increasing export capacity - have transformed tiny Israel into a hub of financial, industrial and high-tech growth. Israel has become a global superstar whose resourceful citizens have earned it the designation of “Start-up Nation.”
When you add Israel Bonds to your portfolio, you are investing in a vibrant democracy, whose agriculturalists, engineers, industrialists, scientists and technologists continue to astonish the world with the creation of sustainable vegetables to fight malnutrition crises, the generous sharing of water technology expertise with drought-stricken areas across the globe, the invention of transitional shelters for families displaced by earthquakes, along with cutting-edge developments in renewable energy, significant advances in cancer research, and a battery of devices designed to combat world terrorism.
As an active investor in the State of Israel, you can participate in the reality of a tiny, ancient nation, whose respect for its history and ability to reimagine, reinvent, and innovate while remaining true to its heritage allows it to benefit its own citizens, the region it inhabits, and the world.
Choose a new investment in Israel Bonds to welcome a new year.
Choose to invest in a country that looks back to its past with reverence and respect; and looks ahead to its future with global foresight and unparalleled creativity.
Israel bonds must be held to maturity. Canada-Israel Securities, Limited disclaims the right to the exclusive use and registration of the Crest of Israel. This is not an offering. Investment amounts, interest rates and maturities available on all bonds will vary according to current offerings by the State of Israel. Rates, terms and bond issues as listed and/or advertised are subject to change or be discontinued without notice. As with any part of your financial plan, you should always consult with your financial advisor and/or accountant to ensure the plan is suitable for your situation. E/OE.
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