Each item below can be used as a starting point for composing remarks, be inserted whole or in part into remarks, or as stand-alone comments. Contact Elan Levitan at 416.789.3351 ext 125; 1.800.771.9301 x 125 or Elan.Levitan@IsraelBonds.ca with any questions.
ISRAEL BONDS ARE CURRENTLY HELD BY MORE THAN 300,000 PEOPLE. This wide dispersion of a portion of Israel's sovereign debt is a positive factor that helps earn strong ratings for the State of Israel from credit analysts at Moody's, Fitch and Standard and Poor's. Strong ratings enable Israel to pay lower interest rates on the bonds they offer in European and U.S. financial markets. The advantages Israel bonds provide include inexpensive foreign capital to help manage Israel's economy and the ability to pay low interest rates on bonds sold abroad.
INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS WITH THE STRICTEST FIDUCIARY REQUIREMENTS, including banks and insurance companies, invest in Israel bonds. In the U.S., over 80 state and municipal public employee pension funds and treasury funds have invested more than $3 billion in Israel bonds. Major Canadian banks are also significant investors in Israel Bonds.
AN ISRAEL BONDS INVESTMENT DECLARES YOUR APPRECIATION FOR "BRAND ISRAEL," i.e., the ideals and values of the State of Israel - democracy, pluralism, tolerance, citizen-safety, and putting human creativity and ingenuity to work to make the world a cleaner, safer, healthier, better place.
THE ISRAEL BONDS TAB CARD COLLECTION BOX RESEMBLES A BALLOT BOX because when you invest in an Israel bond, you vote for Israel. We must continue to express unity because the effort to isolate and condemn Israel is unending. Your investment declares you appreciate and identify with a nation that:
EARLY ZIONISTS "DRAINED THE SWAMPS" AND CAUSED THE "DESERT TO BLOOM," and grow tomatoes, cucumbers, and a new state. Modern Israelis are "piercing the mountains," i.e. boring holes in the Judean Hills to build a high speed rail link between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Israel's largest infrastructure project ever will have enormous positive economic and environmental benefits for the future.
THE MIDDLE EAST IS THE MOST UNSTABLE, DANGEROUS, AND REPRESSIVE REGION IN THE WORLD. Yet despite being one of the most open, democratic, tolerant, freedom-granting and rights-guaranteeing societies in the world Israel is the target of a relentless BDS campaign. Why boycott a nation that...
THE SUCCESS OF ISRAEL'S ECONOMY INFURIATES BDS ADVOCATES. So they respond by boycotting Israeli products, companies and social institutions, divesting from corporations that do business with Israel, and demanding that companies and institutions rid their portfolios of Israel bonds. Every investment in Israel bonds:
LAWMAKERS PAY ATTENTION TO THE LEVELS OF PARTICIPATION in Jewish community campaigns on behalf of Israel - including the number of investors taking part each year in the Israel Bonds campaign. Strong and expanding participation in these campaigns helps to reinforce vigorous, robust, and enduring support for Israel by our elected representatives. Send a strong message to lawmakers by participating in your synagogue's Israel Bonds campaign.
IT IS NOT BY CHOICE THAT ISRAEL IS AT THE FOREFRONT OF FIGHTING AGAINST TERRORISM. Terrorism is a global threat. When countries stand with Israel today against terrorism, Israel will stand with them. Opposing terrorism anywhere means opposing terrorism everywhere.
Israel bonds must be held to maturity. Canada-Israel Securities, Limited disclaims the right to the exclusive use and registration of the Crest of Israel. This is not an offering. Investment amounts, interest rates and maturities available on all bonds will vary according to current offerings by the State of Israel. Rates, terms and bond issues as listed and/or advertised are subject to change or be discontinued without notice. As with any part of your financial plan, you should always consult with your financial advisor and/or accountant to ensure the plan is suitable for your situation. E/OE.
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